Extended FDIC Coverage
Protection beyond $250,000

Deposit placement through CDARS or ICS is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclosures in applicable agreements. Although deposits are placed in increments that do not exceed the FDIC standard maximum deposit insurance amount (“SMDIA”) at any one destination bank, a depositor’s balances at the institution that places deposits may exceed the SMDIA (e.g., before settlement for deposits or after settlement for withdrawals) or be uninsured (if the placing institution is not an insured bank). The depositor must make any necessary arrangements to protect such balances consistent with applicable law and must determine whether placement through CDARS or ICS satisfies any restrictions on its deposits. A list identifying IntraFi network banks appears at https://www.intrafi.com/network-banks. The depositor may exclude banks from eligibility to receive its funds. IntraFi, ICS, and CDARS are registered service marks of IntraFi Network LLC.
All trademarks and registered marks are the properties of their respective owners.
Have More Questions?
As an active member of the IntraFi network, ConnectOne can place a customer’s large deposit at other IntraFi network banks, at each in an amount less than the standard maximum deposit insurance amount of $250,000 thereby making the large deposit eligible for FDIC insurance.
While you cannot pick the destination banks that hold your funds, you can exclude banks from eligibility to receive your deposits using ICS or CDARS.
If you already have a ConnectOne Bank account, we're going to walk you through the application. Connect with your local banker or contact us so we can get you the appropriate information.
If you don't already have a ConnectOne Bank account, you need to open one to take advantage of this service. Visit our rates page to see which ConnectOne account is right for you. It should take about 5-10 minutes to open your account. Afterwards, connect with your local banker or contact us so we can help you continue the process with the appropriate information.
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